Camou-Guerrero A.; Martínez Gómez M.; Rodríguez Sánchez A.; Ruiz-Mallén I.; Estrada-Torres A.
Assessing the impact of a science communication program in La Malinche National Park, Tlaxcala, Mexico
Applied Environmental Education And Communication, Volume DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2020.1754966
Martínez-Gómez M.; Pérez-Martínez C.; Cruz-Gómez Y.; Vargas-Díaz I.B.
Respuesta de la musculatura del piso pélvico a la estimulación eléctrica transcutánea del nervio pudendo durante la biorretroalimentación para incontinencia urinaria de urgencia
Revista Mexicana De Urologia, Volume 78 Número 5 Páginas 359 a la 365 DOI: 10.48193/RMU.V78I5.137
Ancona, Sergio; Beamonte-Barrientos, Rene; Martinez-Gomez, Margarita; Montoya, Bibiana
Does Vitamin E Supplementation Enhance Growth Benefits of Breeding Helpers at No Oxidative Costs?
Physiological And Biochemical Zoology, Volume 93 Número 1 Páginas 37 a la 48 DOI: 10.1086/706464
Sanchez-Garcia, O; Hernandez-Aragon, LG; Lopez-Garcia, K; Juarez, M; Martinez-Gomez, M; Castelan, F
Signs of damage in pelvic floor muscles at the end of pregnancy in rabbits
International Urogynecology Journal 30(6):977-984 F.I. 2.094
Fierro-Estrada, N; Gonzalez, YGG; Miles, DB; Gomez, MM; Garcia, A; Salgado-Ugarte, IH; de la Cruz, FRM
Thermoregulation of the lizard Barisia imbricata at altitudinal extremes
Amphibia-Reptilia 40: 349-360 F.I. 0.943
Corona-Quintanilla, DL; Lopez-Juarez, R; Pacheco, P; Romero-Ortega, MI; Castelan, F; Martinez-Gomez, M
Bladder and urethral dysfunction in multiparous and mature rabbits correlates with abnormal activity of pubococcygeus and bulbospongiosus muscles
Neurourology and Urodynamics F.I. 2.36
Diaz –Aguila Y, Cuevas –Romero E Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M, Rodríguez Antolín J y Nicolás- Toledo L.
Chronic stress and high sucrose intake cause distinctive morphometric effects in adrenal glands of post-weaned rats
Biotech & Histochem 93: 8:565-574 ISSN 1052-0295
Ayala-Berdón J, García Corona C, Martínez-Gómez M.
Seasonal intake responses could reflect digestive plasticity in the néctar-feeding bat Anoura geoffroyi
Mammal Biol. 93: 118-123 ISSN 1616-5047
Zepeda JA, Bautista A, Rangassamy M, Monclús R, Bocquet C, Martínez-Gómez M, Gouat P, Féron C, Hudson R, Rödel HG.
Individual differences in early body mass affect thermogenic performance and sibling interactions in litter huddles of the house mouse
Developmental Psychobiology 60(7): 825-835. ISSN 0012-1630
Castelán F, López-García K, Moreno-Pérez S, Zempoalteca R, Corona-Quintanilla DL, Romero-Ortega MI, Jiménez-Estrada I, Martínez-Gómez M.
Multiparity affects conduction properties of pelvic floor nerves in rabbits
Brain and Behavior, 21:e01105., 10.1002/brb3.1105, ISSN 2162-3279
Carrazco- Ruiz MA, Hernández Aragón LG, Chávez Rios JR, Rodríguez-Antolín J, Pacheco P, Martínez Gómez M, Cuevas-Romero E, Castelán F.
High estradiol differentially affects the expression of the glucose transporter type4 in pelvic floor muscles of rats
Int. Neurourol J 2018; 22 (3):161-168 pISNN 2093-4777
Lara-Garcia, O.; Lara-Garcia, M.; Perez-Hernandez, D., Cuevas E., Martínez Gómez M., Pacheco P.
Spinal cord neuronal components involved in the reflex activity of female rat pubococcygeus motoneurons
Neuroscience Letters 670: 105-109 ISSN 0304-3940
Sanchez García O, López-Juárez R, Rodríguez Castelán J, Corona-Quintanilla DL, Martínez-Gómez M, Castelán F, Cuevas E.
Hipothyroidism impairs somatovisceral reflexes involved micturition of female rabbits
Neurourol Urodynam, 37(8):2406-2418 ISSN 0733-2467
García Villamar V, Hernández Aragón LG, Chávez Rios JR, Ortega A, Martínez Gómez M, Castelán F.
Expression of glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) and the GDNF Family Receptor Alpha Subunit 1 in the paravaginal Ganglia of Nulliparous and Primiparous Rabbits
Int. Neurourol J; 22 supl 1: S23- S33 ISSN 2093-6931
Cruzblanca Castro M, Martínez-Gómez M, Ayala- Berdon J.
Food processing does not affect energy intake in the néctar-feeding bat Anoura geoffroyi
Mammal. Biology 88:176-179 ISSN 1616-5047
Ríos-Chelén AA, Cuatianquiz-Lima C, Bautista A, Martínez-Gómez M.
No reliable evidence for inmediate noise-induced song flexibility in a suboscine
Urban Ecosystems. 21:15-25 ISSN 1083-8155
López-Juárez R, Zempoalteca R, Corona-Quintanilla DL, Jiménez-Estrada I, Castelán F, Martínez- Gómez M (corresponding author).
Multiparity modifies contractile properties of pelvic muscles affecting the génesis of vaginal pressure in rabbits
Neurourol Urodynam 37(1): 106-114 ISSN 0733-2467
Ayala- Berdon J, Vázquez-Fuerte R, Rodríguez-Peña N, Martínez-Gómez M.
Bat fauna associated with artificial ponds in La Malinche National Park, a mountain ecosystem of Mexico
Mammalia 81(6):573-581 DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2016-0055
Corona-Pérez A, Díaz-Muñoz M, Cuevas-Romero E, Luna-Moreno D, Valente-Godínez H, Vázquez-Martínez O, Martínez-Gómez M, Rodríguez-Antolín J, Nicolás-Toledo L.
Interactive effects of chronic stress and a high-sucrose diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver in young adult male rats
Stress; 20(6):608-617 DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2017.1381840
Cruz Y, Hernández-Plata I, Lucio RA, Zempoalteca R, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M.
Anatomical organization and somatic axonal components of the lumbosacral nerves in female rabbits
Neurourol Urodyn. 2017 36(7)1749-1756 DOI: 10.1002/nau.23209
Cuevas-Romero E, Sánchez-Cardiel A, Zamora-Gallegos AM, Cruz-Lumbreras R, Quintanilla DL, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M.
Moderate-to-high normal levels of thyrotropin is a risk factor for urinary incontinence and an unsuitable quality of life in women over 65 years
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 44 Suppl 1:86-92 DOI: 10.1111/1440-1681.12788
Hernández-Aragón, L.G., García-Villamar, V., Carrasco-Ruiz, M.L., Nicolás-Toledo, L., Ortega, A., Cuevas-Romero, E., Martínez-Gómez, M., Castelán, F.
Role of Estrogens in the Size of Neuronal Somata of Paravaginal Ganglia in Ovariectomized Rabbits
Biomed Res Int, 2017: 2089645 DOI: 10.1155/2017/2089645
López-García K, Mariscal-Tovar S, Serrano-Meneses MA, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M, Jiménez-Estrada I.
Fiber type composition of pubococcygeus and bulbospongiosus striated muscles is modified by multiparity in the rabbit
Neurourol Urodyn. 36(6):1456-1463 DOI: 10.1002/nau.23143
Rodríguez-Castelán, J., Anaya-Hernández, A., Méndez-Tepepa, M., Martínez-Gómez, M., Castelán, F., Cuevas-Romero, E.
Distribution of thyroid hormone and thyrotropin receptors in reproductive tissues of adult female rabbits
Endocrine Res, 42 (1) 59-70 DOI: 10.1080/07435800.2016.1182185
Rodríguez-Castelán, J., Corona-Pérez, A., Nicolás-Toledo, L., Martínez-Gómez, M., Castelán, F., Cuevas-Romero, E.
Hypothyroidism Induces a Moderate Steatohepatitis Accompanied by Liver Regeneration, Mast Cells Infiltration, and Changes in the Expression of the Farnesoid X Receptor
Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 125 (3)183-190 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-112367
Xicohténcatl-Rugerio, I., Corona-Quintanilla, D.L., Nicolás, L., Martínez-Gómez, M., Cuevas, E., Castelán, F., Rodríguez-Antolín, J.
The role of the pubococcygeus muscle in the urethrogenital reflex of male rats
Neurourol Urodyn, 36 (1)80-85 DOI: 10.1002/nau.22891
Quintana E, Manjarrez J, Martínez-Gómez M, D’ Alba L, Rodríguez-Antolin, J, Fajardo V.
Sexual dimorphism in histological characteristics and contractility of the iliofibularis muscle in the lizard Sceloporus torquatus.
Acta Zool (doi: 10.1111/azo.12021)
Cruz-Lumbreras R, Luna-Vázquez F, Rodríguez-Antolín J, Pacheco P, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M, Cuevas E.
Metabolic syndrome in post-menopausal women from an otomí ethnic group: prevalence obtained though three criteria.
Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice. 1(2)167-172
Rodríguez-Antolín J, Cuevas E, Nicolás L, Fajardo V, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M.
Histología uretral y vaginal en algunas hembras de mamíferos.
Universidad y Ciencia. 28(1) 85-95. ISSN: 0186-2979
Rodríguez-Antolín J, Nicolás L, Cuevas E, Bravo I, Castelán F, Martínez-Gómez M.
Morphological characteristics of the cervix in domestic sows.
Anat Sci Int. 87:195-202 ISSN: 1447-6959
Reyes Meza V, Hudson R, Martínez-Gómez M, Nicolás L, Rödel H, Bautista A.
Possible contribution of position in the litter huddle to long-term differences in behavioral style in the domestic rabbit.
Physiol. Behav. 104:778-785. ISSN: 0031-9384
Martínez Gómez M, Mendoza Martínez G, Corona Quintanilla D, Fajardo V, Rodríguez Antolín J, Castelán F.
Multiparity causes uncoordinated activity of pelvic -and perineal-striated muscles and urodinamic changes in rabbits
Reproductive Sciences. 18:(12)1246-1252. ISSN: 1933-7191
Nicolás L, Martínez-Gómez M, Hudson R, Bautista A.
Littermate presence enhances motor-development, weight gain and competitive ability in newborn and juvenile domestic rabbits.
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Cruz Y, Corona-Quintanilla DL, Juárez M, Martínez-Gómez M.
Características anatómicas y fisiológicas de los músculos pélvicos en la coneja doméstica (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
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Reyes-Meza V, Hudson R, Martinez-Gomez M, Bautista A.
Competition among newborn rabbits for thermally advantageous positions in the litter huddle is associated with long term differences in behavior and physiology.
Develop Psychobiol 52(7): 715. ISSN: 0012-1630
Perez-Roldán H, Hudson R, Castelán F, Martinez-Gomez M, Bautista A.
In newborn rabbits position in the litter huddle is associated with differential metabolism of brown adipose tissue.
Develop Psychobiol 52(7): 713. ISSN: 0012-1630
Cruz Y, Rodríguez-Antolín J, Nicolás L, Martínez-Gómez M, Lucio RA.
Components of the neural circuitry of the vaginocavernosus reflex in rabbits.
J Comp. Neurol. 518: 199-210. ISSN: 0021-9967